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A. C. Clarke's Space Odyssey and Newton's law of gravity

Bartoň, Stanislav, Renčín, Lukáš (2017)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

In his famous tetralogy, Space Odyssey, A. C. Clarke called the calculation of a motion of a mass point in the gravitational field of the massive cuboid a classical problem of gravitational mechanics. This article presents a proposal for a solution to this problem in terms of Newton's theory of gravity. First we discuss and generalize Newton's law of gravitation. We then compare the gravitational field created by the cuboid -- monolith, with the gravitational field of the homogeneous sphere. This...

A characterization of evolution operators

Naoki Tanaka (2001)

Studia Mathematica

A class of evolution operators is introduced according to the device of Kato. An evolution operator introduced here provides a classical solution of the linear equation u'(t) = A(t)u(t) for t ∈ [0,T], in a general Banach space. The paper presents a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of such an evolution operator.

A characterization of isochronous centres in terms of symmetries.

Emilio Freire, Gasull, Armengol, Guillamon, Antoni 2 (2004)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We present a description of isochronous centres of planar vector fields X by means of their groups of symmetries. More precisely, given a normalizer U of X (i.e., [X,U]= µ X, where µ is a scalar function), we provide a necessary and sufficient isochronicity condition based on µ. This criterion extends the result of Sabatini and Villarini that establishes the equivalence between isochronicity and the existence of commutators ([X,U]= 0). We put also special emphasis on the mechanical aspects of isochronicity;...

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